[AKMUI] CADGME 2010 und I2GEO 2010

Ulrich Kortenkamp kortenkamp at cinderella.de
Mi Jan 6 10:02:56 CET 2010

Liebe AKMUI-Mitglieder,

Ende Juni/Anfang Juli finden die beiden Konferenzen CADGME und I2GEO statt, bei denen es um den Computereinsatz im Mathematikunterricht geht. Ich hoffe auf eine große Beteiligung auch aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, daher hier im Anhang die "Call for Papers". Bitte geben Sie diese auch an interessierte Kolleginnen und Kollegen weiter (national wie international). Vielen Dank!

Mit den besten Wünschen für das neue Jahr!

Ulrich Kortenkamp


Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the CADGME-2010 conference, the Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education, which will be held on 29 June - 1 July 2010 at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. 

You can find information about CADGME-2010 in the attached First Announcement and on the conference website:


CADGME-2010 will be followed by the I2GEO-2010 conference on 2-3 July 2010 (Announcement is attached). The I2GEO conference is organized by the Intergeo Project - Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe, and is addressing Teachers, Educators, and Scientists in the field of Technology-based Mathematics Education. You can find more Information in the attached announcemnet or on the homepage of I2GEO 2010 at


Selected papers of I2GEO 2010 will be published in a special issue of ZDM, the International Journal on Mathematics Education.

We hope that you will be able to join us next year. Please distribute this announcement to your colleagues interested in Mathematics Education and ICT.

Kind regards,

Csaba, Zsolt, Pavel, and Ulli
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Dateiname   : CADGME-2010-Conference-First-Announcement.pdf
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URL         : <http://lists.didaktik-der-mathematik.de/pipermail/akmui-mitglieder/attachments/20100106/633fb896/attachment-0002.pdf>
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Dateiname   : I2GEO2010-CfP-v1.2.pdf
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URL         : <http://lists.didaktik-der-mathematik.de/pipermail/akmui-mitglieder/attachments/20100106/633fb896/attachment-0003.pdf>
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