[AKMUI] Fwd: CADGME-2009-Conference-Second-Announcement
Ulrich Kortenkamp
ulrich.kortenkamp at ph-gmuend.de
So Mär 15 06:54:26 CET 2009
Liebe AKMUI-Mitglieder,
anbei die zweite Aussendung zur CADGME 2009 in Linz! Ich hoffe, dass
viele von Ihnen die Gelegenheit zur Teilnahme an der Konferenz
wahrnehmen, die dieses Jahr vom 11. bis 13. Juli in Linz stattfindet.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Ulli Kortenkamp
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Sárvári Csaba <sarvari at witch.pmmf.hu>
> Datum: 4. März 2009 23:36:16 GMT+11:00
> Betreff: CADGME-2009-Conference-Second-Announcement
> Dear Colleagues,
> After the successful conference held at the University of Pécs in
> Hungary in June 2007 http://www.matserv.pmmf.hu/cadgme/ we are
> delighted that the CADGME conference series continues. Professor
> Bruno Buchberger and his team at RISC volunteered to host the
> conference this year in the beautifully located Castle of Hagenberg.
> You can find more information in the attached second announcement
> and on the conference website:
> http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/cadgme2009/
> With CADGME we hope to create a forum for Central- and Eastern-
> European colleagues, and for all interested academics from around
> the globe to exchange ideas and nurture collaboration about Computer
> Algebra, Dynamic Geometry, and other software applications in
> mathematics teaching and learning.
> Keynote Speakers:
> Paul Andrews University of Cambridge, UK
> Ralph-Johan Back Åbo Akademi University Turku, Finland
> Bruno Buchberger, RISC, University of Linz, Austria
> Andre Heck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
> Jozef Hvorecky, City University Bellevue, Bratislava, Slovakia
> We hope that you will join us in Hagenberg in July 2009. We are also
> pleased to announce that the first International GeoGebra conference
> will be held right after CADGME-2009.
> Yours sincerely,
> Zsolt Lavicza and Csaba Sarvari
> Co-chairs of the Scientific Committee
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